Agrocampus 64 is a public professional and vocational school located in the Pyrénées Atlantiques in the south west of France. It is specialized in farming fields.

Overview :

  • 1 public high school (LEGTA)
  • 2 vocational schools (LPA)_ with one mainly dealing with mountain-related courses
  • 1 apprenticeship training centre (CFAA)
  •  1 vocational and technical centre devotes mostly to adult training
  • 3 farms totalling 200 ha in use (AA)
  • 1 agro-food processing centre with its online and on site delightful food shop

These centres are located in 5 towns  : Pau-Montardon, Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Orthez, Hasparren and Ostabat .

Along the school year Agrocampus 64 caters for three main categories :

  • 830 pupils and students among whom 600 are boarders
  • 400 apprentices with 40 % of them undertaking graduate studies
  • 1500 adult trainees in continuing learning

High profile courses are built and taught on a dynamic teaching scheme which benefits from a very favourable humane and organizational conditions with numerous staff. Among the 300 employees, 50 % are teachers who ensure that classes are mostly project-oriented and to achieve this , they rely on meaningful professional and local networks.

The Agrocampus 64 courses conducted in the Pyrénées Atlantiques enable every learner to head for sectors and/or professions with many opportunities such as :

From Year 9 to BSC either at school or through apprenticeship.

The excellency of our exam success rates as well as the excellent image and reputation of Agrocampus 64 are indisputable assets in the professional world.

The 3 farms and the Food Processing Unit represent professional tools for both educational and experimental purposes. Test are being carried on cattle, ducks and dairy sheep, contributing to the innovation and the growth of the local food system. Our institute believes in sustainability and an environmental-friendly agriculture.

In addition to life-size courses , Agrocampus 64 promotes a LIVE TOGETHER IN HARMONY concept starting with the special attention given to the living conditions of each centre and focusing on sports, cultural and artistic activities practised by our learners .They range from rugby playing and mountain hiking, horse-riding, sports competing to audio-visual workshops, art, clubs and organisations …. a large variety of leisure activities meeting the needs of the future cultured and educated citizens we strive for.

As a holder of an Erasmus + charter, Agrocampus 64 claims a high-profile dedication to international mobility through its pupils and students. Destinations are varied and even go far beyond Europe including countries such as Argentina, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, India, Madagascar. That way we enable our learners to experience a cultural and language immersion and develop steady partnerships with farming and food-processing training centres all around the world.

The very existence of a Spanish European Class is a proof of our commitment to the Hispanic world. A new English European Class has been set up recently to reinforce this openness.

Agrocampus 64 offers perfect education surroundings for people who wish to have access to upper courses related to environment, animals and plants, sustainable development, sustainable agriculture, new technologies, active involvement in local communities and food-processing.

Welcome to France, Welcome to the Pyrénées Atlantiques, Welcome to Agrocampus 64 !